HR & Payroll Software Features - INSYSPAY
Leave Management
The software Insyspay helps you with Leave management system. It gives the ultimate solution to employees in applying their leaves online. Insyspay gives the employees access to all the leave related information. They can check for themselves their balance leaves, holidays, week offs, paid leaves and unpaid ones. The software helps the employees in keeping a track of the leaves to be carried forward. Employees can see whether their requests are accepted or declined. Basically the employee remains updated with the leaves taken and left for a business year. The managers can accept or decline the application online. No paper work is required.
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Attendance Management
Attendance management is no more an annoyance for management staffs. The excellent software Insyspay has decreased the job load of the management people. With the online existence, this attendance management software can be installed in any small or big organizations. The useful features of Insyspay software have made a place in many organizations.
Attendance report can be received in paper effortlessly with the Insyspay attendance management software.
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Statutory Management
Looking after the benefits that the employees get from the organization is a complicated process. This has to be managed by the management people. With other job loads it becomes a real tough job for them to cope up with every detail. This is the reason why the companies are opting for software which could decrease their job load. Insyspay has made a place in many companies big and small. With its help the management can restore every database safely and produce it whenever required. Calculation of the ESI and the provident fund correctly is very necessary. This software helps in doing all the calculation with ease.
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Payroll Management
Maintaining the payroll of any organization is one of the major duties of HR personnel. Insyspay payroll management software aids the concerned officials to maintain the payroll in a systematic and error free manner. It is very user friendly and affordable. Also it helps to generate any report instantly.
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Recruitment Management
Recruitment is not as easy as it looks like. The hardest part of the job is to preserve data. It’s not only personal information, but track records of each employee have to be maintained too. The software Insyspay is designed to make recruitment process and data preservation easy.
This software is created to manage data by allowing storage of different aspect and particulars.
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Training Management
INSYSPAY Training Management Software provides complete support to the entire gamut of training management system in a company. From deciding the budget of the training to maintaining the attendance report of participants, this software keeps track of the whole process.
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Appraisal Management
Manual tracking can be wrong most of the times. Due to this reason, companies across the world are relying on software to track performance. Insyspay comes with various features which make performance tracking easy. This software stores data regarding employee performance. Because it is easy to use, human resource department can derive ample benefits by using it. Goal setting and revising, coaching, development and planning, everything can be tracked using Insyspay. This is a complete appraisal tracking solution designed to ease the difficulties of human resource job.
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Travel Expense Management Software
Insyspay travel expense management software aids the user to maintain the employee expense of an organization in a smooth manner. By using this software, a user can easily keep a track on entire expense management system starting from requesting to approval of the expense.
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Employee Schedule Calendar
Maintaining a proper balance in the working schedule of any company is necessary. The management team is appointed to look after the proper working of the company. With their expertise, they try to handle every little thing. But it becomes difficult for them to maintain. Insyspay is such software which helps the management team to ease the job load.
Maintaining an employee schedule calendar is very important for every company be it small or big. This is a very difficult task as there are many employees in a company. Keeping a record of every individual would be really confusing. Important data could be missed. So the use of the software Insyspay is very necessary. It records the schedule of every employee along with the leaves and the week offs.

Bonus, Gratuity, And Loan
Proper payment is required to keep the employees happy. With the happy employees productivity of a company also increases. So the monthly salary should be paid on time. Bonus is given to employees on different occasions. It is calculated on basis of the salary drawn by every candidate. Calculation of the bonus is a very difficult job. So doing it with the help of the software is preferred. Insyspay is one such software which helps in the calculation. Insyspay software helps the management to keep a record of the loan, gratuity and bonus of an employee. Whenever required the system generates the result with the help of the stored data. The management can keep the record for the help of the employees.
Loan Sheet
Automates whole loan management process from start to finish, INSYSPAY handles everything you need to get your loans info. Its provide multiple calculations at fixed or variable interest rates including easy and complex interest between two dates, repayment including complex payment situations, present etc.

Human Resource Management
Behind any successful business stand its encouraged and motivated workers. With so many benefits and essential features, Human resource software has become an integral part of every businesses, and its helps an organization in the selection of suitable employee.
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- The prime benefit that any organization can enjoy is the automation of core functions.
- It helps in escorting your business in the right direction for seamless and efficient growth.
Organogram Chart
Organogram chart deals with the structure of an organization. Through this chart the ranks in the company, the positions vacant and the relation within the ranks are given. Now this is a very complex thing. Management takes the help of the software and maintains the chart. The software Insyspay helps the company people with the required information. It helps in maintaining a list. All the posts are clearly laid down with the total number of people working under one group. It also clearly lays down the vacant seats along with the occupied ones. This helps the company at any given point to position of the employees.

Survey Module
It is very important to pen down the reviews of the employees. With their reviews and suggestions, the company can develop. Surveys should be attended at regular intervals. Now, it is not always possible for the management people to look after the surveys. Thus they are taking the help of the software to solve their problems. Insyspay is one such software which solves the problems of this kind. Just with a click the view of the employees are registered. They just have to answer certain questions and express their views.
With the help of the software, an employee can come up with individual problem. They can be attended to by the management. This is the manner by which the relation between the employee and the employer improves.
Mobile Application
Punch attendance :
Give employees the advantage to punch attendance while on the move. Get realtime attendance data with AppSync.
Lat / Long data :
Capture latitude-longitude information and know where your employees are at the time of punch-in. Say goodbye to fake attendance.
Leave and Reports :
Employees can apply for leave right from their smartphone, and also see leave reports.

Employee Self Service Software in India – INSYSPAY
Insyspay employee self service software (ESS) is one of the best of its kind in India. By means of this software, the employees of the company can easily view their personal database and can modify them whenever necessary. This software is aimed for small or midsized organization. The software is so designed that all employees can operate it easily. While using employee self service software, one has to first log in with their user id and password.
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